An easy to use online scientific calculator that can perform various scientific calculations as well as simple arithmetic operations like division, multiplication, addition and subtraction.
Signs and Explanations
Ok Shows the final result of inputs
Cancel Delete digits one by one equal to the number of times this button is pressed
Clear Clear all results and empties memory
NaN An error message shown as a result of invalid inputs
+ Addition operator adds given numbers
- Subtracts given numbers
+/- Change the polarity of digit(s) to plus or minus.
* Multiplies given numbers
/ Division operator divides given numbers
sq Power/Exponent/Index operator
() Parentheses
exp e "Euler Constant" raised to the power of a value or expression
ln The natural logarithm of a value or expression
sqrt Square root √ , takes square root of entered inputs
sin Sine of entered values
cos Cosine of entered values
tan Tangent of entered values
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