Coronavirus has managed to cross all borders and has affected millions of people of all ages in a short period of time. Unfortunately no known drugs were effective against this novel viral strain SARS-CoV-2, this was much to frighten the folk who were already loosing lives of their near ones and themselves prone to lethal risk, but in the midst of all this scenario scientists were quick to start their efforts in coping with coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) in various ways but controlling the pandemic so novel and this large was not an easy task.
Some trials in the recent past have suggested Chloroquine - an antimalarial medicine and remdesivir - an antiviral medicine to alleviate the symptoms of COVID-19 and help coronavirus affected patients recover faster but irrespective of the hype these medicines especially chloroquine has resulted in severe side effects that led experts to rethink about the use of these medicines in COVID-19 patients. However remdesivir has been used and approved in many countries for managing corona virus patients and has gained wide popularity and proved to moderately boost recovery period in patients but none of these medicines can be said to cure coronavirus infection completely except some efficacy in certain patients.
What does coronavirus do to your body?
Coronavirus mainly affects respiratory system and damages lungs in severe infection in elderly patients, intestinal complications have also been observed in COVID-19 patients.
Some of the more common symptoms in COVID-19 may include:
- Fever
- Fatigue
- Constant dry cough
- Headache
- Depigmentation of skin on hands and feet
- Loss of smell and loss in sense of taste may occur
Mostly patients affected with coronavirus experience only mild symptoms and get better on their own without any complications. However if COVID-19 progresses further immediately medical help is requisite. Some of the advance symptoms of COVID-19 include:
- Breathing difficulties and shivering
- Aching muscles and tiredness
- Pressure on chest and pain along with breathing problems
- Intestinal and liver problems
Is there any vaccine available for COVID-19?
Viruses proliferate very fast and they keep on mutating that renders previously developed vaccines futile and the case of coronavirus has been observed to be somewhat similar. Scientists are constantly working on COVID-19 vaccines, these vaccines are under trials. Recently Pfizer and BionTech have prepared a vaccine to combat coronavirus infections and official resources claims vaccine to be 90% effective in combating coronavirus.
Can monoclonal antibodies treat COVID-19?
Bamlanivimab,casirivimab and imdevimab are medicines made in the laboratory specifically for COVID-19 treatment, these medicines are active against the peplomer of SARS-CoV-2 and help reduce immune response in COVID-19 affected patients which helps faster recovery in some patients. These medicines are administered under medical supervision as a single dose intravenously (IV Injection) within 10 days of onset of COVID-19 symptoms. FDA has approved bamblanivimab for emergency condition in November 2020.
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